Econo Test is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to provide customers with fast, accurate, and reliable test bench solutions and testing services, covering various fields such as: Automative, Aerospace, Marine, Rail, mechanical engineering, Motorcycles,Pumps,Hydrolic, Turbines and Agriculture machine etc.
We’re able to do the ODM/OEM and other customization for Parameters/brand/Colour/shape of the bench etc. in order to bring more values and success to our customers!
We provide state-of-the-art testing solutions that support every phase of propulsion development, from initial concept to full-scale production. Our wide range of application solutions integrates various development environments, utilizing the latest methodologies to ensure precision. Our tools are designed to streamline the development process, helping you reduce time-to-market, enhance product quality, and control costs. We lay the groundwork for efficient, future-proof development operations in the era of connected vehicles.
Driven by innovation, we are leaders in our field, meeting the core needs of our customers. We offer cutting-edge measurement and testing technologies for the entire propulsion development process, all built on a unified, integrated, and open platform. Our scalable, high-quality solutions meet the most demanding standards, trusted by even the most competitive racing teams. With a broad array of application solutions, we seamlessly connect virtual and real-world development environments. Whether you need a standalone measuring instrument or a fully integrated test facility, our global team of experts is dedicated to providing support every step of the way.
We are committed to accelerating development, improving flexibility and efficiency, and reducing environmental impact. Our solutions represent the future of testing technology.
Econo Test
قيادة مستقبل أتمتة الاختبار من خلال حلول مبتكرة تلبي احتياجات مختلف الصناعات, ضمان الموثوقية والدقة في عمليات الاختبار.
حلول مبتكرة
نقوم بتطوير أنظمة اختبار متطورة تعالج التحديات الفريدة التي تواجهها صناعات مثل السيارات والفضاء. تم تصميم حلولنا لتعزيز الكفاءة والدقة في الاختبار.
نهج يركز على العملاء
إن التزامنا بفهم احتياجات العملاء يدفعنا إلى تقديم دعم وخدمات استثنائية. نحن نعطي الأولوية لرضا العملاء ونعمل بشكل وثيق مع العملاء لتحقيق أهدافهم.
القيادة الحكيمة
بقيادة محترفين ذوي خبرة مثل جامعة تشجيانغ, فريقنا مكرس لدفع حدود التكنولوجيا والابتكار في أتمتة الاختبار. ونحن نسعى جاهدين لإحداث ثورة في هذه الصناعة.
شركات التكنولوجيا الفائقة الوطنية والشهادات

Views of Company:
The company owns modern office/research/production facilities of approximately 10,000m². Our research and technical teams are highly skilled and experienced, enabling us to provide comprehensive technical support, customized services, and solutions to our clients.

We provide comprehensive turnkey solutions for testing facilities, handling everything from initial requirement analysis and design to construction and operational implementation. Our expertise includes seamlessly integrating test systems into infrastructure and managing all necessary utility interfaces. With a forward-thinking approach, we deliver solutions that are built to last, grounded in our deep understanding of development and testing processes. We assist our clients throughout every phase of the project, including consulting, design, procurement, and project execution.

تواصل معنا
- بريد إلكتروني:
- هاتف/واتساب: +86 15618770706
- عنوان: 3ف, مبنى 2, NO.511 طريق شياووان, منطقة فنغشيان, شنغهاي, الصين